In the enchanting realm of Oz, where magic abounds and adventures await, a peculiar creature named Kabumpo embarks on an extraordinary journey. With his loyal companion, the talking donkey Hank, Kabumpo sets out to explore the unknown, encountering whimsical characters and facing perilous challenges. As they traverse the Emerald City, the Munchkin Country, and the Quadling Country, Kabumpo and Hank unravel a series of mysteries and uncover hidden secrets. Along the way, they encounter the wise Scarecrow, the compassionate Tin Woodman, and the courageous Cowardly Lion, who join them on their quest. With each step, Kabumpo's determination grows, and his spirit of adventure shines brighter. But as they delve deeper into the heart of Oz, they discover that danger lurks around every corner, threatening to derail their dreams. Will Kabumpo and his companions overcome the obstacles that lie ahead and find their place in this extraordinary land?
(Tags : Kabumpo in Oz (Unabridged) Ruth Plumly Thompson Audiobook, Ruth Plumly Thompson Audio CD )