A Beginner’s Guide To Understanding & Practicing Buddhism
Buddhism is one of the world’s oldest spiritual traditions - having existed for more than 2,500 years. It’s currently practiced by more than 480 million people all across the globe.
While countless religions have been abandoned through the centuries, the insights and practices of Buddhism are still carried on today in every corner of the world.
In this beginner’s guide, we will provide the basic outlines of the understanding of the world that informs Buddhist practice. Key concepts and terms will be introduced one by one. In this way, it will be easier to grasp the way Buddhists see the world and the nature of human existence.
This is vital to learn if you aim to walk the path yourself. Understanding key concepts – enlightenment, true self, the nature of reality, and the causes of suffering – are fundamental to guiding meditation practice and a Buddhist way of life.
During the course of this book we will explore:
Siddhartha Gautama & the origin of Buddhism
The nature of a “Buddha”
Buddhism today
The sutras
Dharma & “The Four Reliances”
The Kalama discourse
The Abhidharma
The three major Buddhist traditions
The three marks of existence & the four noble truths
Buddhist cosmology
The five skandhas
The three poisons & the three jewels
Meditation & mindfulness
Buddhism in everyday life
And more
Get this audiobook now and venture onto a road of great discovery and inner peace.
(Tags : Buddhism for Beginners: Learn the Way of the Buddha & Take Your First Steps on the Noble Path (Unabridged) Luna Sidana Audiobook, Luna Sidana Audio CD )