“The Hermit’s Story,” a short story by Rick Bass, brings readers to a remote, mountainous place where two couples are having Thanksgiving dinner together. Up in the mountains, things are always quiet. In the valley below, one can usually find the hustle and bustle of a town—but not this Thanksgiving. The power is out, and a deep, dark peace holds the land. This selection is part of the full length audiobook, "Storm: Stories of Survival From Land and Sea."
Rick Bass (born March 7, 1958) is an American writer and an environmental activist. He has a Bachelor of Science in Geology with a focus in Wildlife from Utah State University.
Gary Telles has been narrating audiobooks for the past ten years. A veteran stage actor, he has performed classical, contemporary and original theatre across the country, in addition to appearing on television, radio and CD-ROM.
(Tags : The Hermit's Story Rick Bass Audiobook, Rick Bass Audio CD )