Most of us take the supply of electricity for granted. This booklet gives simple explanation of what is electricity and how it reaches your home. Concepts such as AC and DC current and a few simple electrical components and their functions are explained. Mathematical expressions are totally avoided.
Drawings and illustrations are provided to support the explanations and to make the book easier to understand.
This book is recommended for everyone and to be kept at home for easy and casual listening to facilitate understanding of the flow of electricity to your house.
Students beginning their graduate courses in Physics and Engineering would also find this book very useful to understand the concepts and to have a strong understanding of Electrical concepts before taking up more advanced subjects on Electricity or Electrical Engineering.
(Tags : Understanding Electricity: Electricity - Basic Concepts - Explained in Simple and Easy to Follow Steps (Unabridged) Dr. Ilango Sivaraman Audiobook, Dr. Ilango Sivaraman Audio CD )